20 Movies – The Drinking Game


When I was in my early 20’s my friends would play drinking games.  I wasn’t really a fan.  But there was one game I liked to play when we were all less than sober and it all started after someone had boasted how awesome Jack Nicholson was, such a great actor, he’s been in so many movies, I just love Jack Nicholson.  And then someone else posted the challenge “Oh, yeah?  Name 10 of his movies.”  The person couldn’t name 5. Perhaps they were too wasted to do so.

This started a trend for a few months.  We’d be partying and then somebody would pick an actor we all knew had been in a crap load of movies; Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp and so forth.  And we as a collective had to name 20 of their movies.  You’d be surprised how often we’d fail.  We’d forget the movies we owned with this person in them.  We only ever managed to succeed with Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks.

I’m not so bold as to say we were the only ones ever to play something like this.  It’s not unheard of for independent people to have the same ideas from across the globe. Either way, we thought we were clever and had a good time.

Below I’ve modified our game to be a proper Drinking Game with the rules we used.

20 Movies The Drinking Game