The Lost Boys 3 : The Thirst – Review

I realized recently that I hadn’t reviewed The Lost Boys 3: The Thirst which came out in 2010. So in anticipation for the video version of my blog, The Lost Boys: Why David is Not the Villain, I re-watched the movie and am reviewing it now. Spoilers ahead.

As some of you might know, The Lost Boys (the original 1987 film) is my favorite movie of all time. While you might think that means that I’ll have a low tolerance for any sequels, what actually happened is that I have a lower standard for vampire movies in general. I love vampire movies. It takes a lot for me to dislike one (like John Carpenter’s Vampires, that movie sucks). And since The Lost Boys 2: The Tribe didn’t come out until 2008, 21 years after the original, I was inclined to be more forgiving.

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Clue : Here’s What Really Really Happened

I’ve done two Clue blog posts and a guidebook and I STILL didn’t get to really explain my entire thought process and theories behind the movie Clue (1985). So here is what is hopefully my final word on the matter. In video form this time. Warning, the entire film is spoiled by me explaining who done it. Links to the other blog posts: May 2018 … Continue reading Clue : Here’s What Really Really Happened

Caught and Not Killed, but also Consequences : Questions about the Fall of Harvey Weinstein 

I’ve spent some time recently consuming Ronan Farrow’s Catch & Kill in all its iterations (book, audiobook, podcast, HBO show). This is the story of the time when Harvey Weinstein went down. Farrow being one of the investigative journalists who broke the story and who arguably was able to obtain the most damaging information. Harvey Weinstein went down in 2017 and my main thought back then when this all happened was ”why does everyone suddenly care?”

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